I'm a software engineer making a career transition from chemistry through my experience in front-end web development using JavaScript, HTML/CSS, and React.js and in back-end development using Express.js, Python, and Node.js and in relational database management using Knex.js. Along with my learning at BloomTech, I have broader experience in terms of problem solving, project management, and communication from my career and background in STEM. I have worked for 8 years in various chemistry roles from an analytical chemist characterizing the sugar content in food and beverage ingredients to a research scientist studying chemical sensors at NASA. Throughout my career, I greatly enjoy solving problems. However, I found myself drawn to coding when I applied my knowledge of Python to develop data analysis and instrument automation script projects at work. My enjoyment of programming encouraged me to make a career change into web development by studying Full-Stack Web Development at BloomTech.

picture of myself